I don’t believe that a naturally straight child can be turned gay by playing with Barbie instead of Action Man, or because Dad was away on business a lot, or because Mum was overprotective, or a gay uncle visited regularly etc. There are all sorts of theories with negative overtones that attempt to explain the occurrence of homosexuality, such as absent or distant fathers overbearing mothers exposure to bad influences being raised in a single parent family what toys a child is allowed to play with what colour the child’s room is painted and whether certain behaviour is encouraged or discouraged by the parents. I’m sure I’m not the only person who’s met a child who seemed different, well before puberty or any concept of sexuality. You might hear the phrase ‘nature or nurture’ around discussion of this topic. Some people believe that sexuality is influenced by environmental factors and events that a child experiences as he or she is growing up, while some think that it’s determined by a mixture of both genetic and environmental factors. I grew up in the same house as my brother but not only is he straight, we’re very different in many other ways. In other words, we’re born gay, bisexual or straight. I believe – as do many others – that homosexuality is genetic. Am sure many have asked this question, but the truth is that, nobody fully understands yet what determines a person’s sexuality.